Saturday 20 January 2018

2018 - Let's Do it! Let's Dance it! Part 1

Happy New Year
(If I'm still allowed to say that almost the end of January)!!

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and New Years! I know it feels like ages ago already!
I'm super excited about the new year ahead! I've been a bit quiet on this blog and working away in the background. There's a Maya Wolff EP in the making, video shoots in planning and also a 2 releases lined up I'll be able to give you a date for hopefully within the next couple of weeks...everything always takes forever...So stay tuned!

I feel that this year will be one that will push me ahead in a few areas of my life I've felt a bit stagnant. One of them is fitness. I've been teaching dance for many years and over the last couple, the work just organically faded and I focussed more on singing and music, so I started filming a few fitness video's. I did a 4 part series for an online fitness company a year ago but they have now changed the way they work and I'm free to release these video's for everyone.

January is always a great time to get back into fitness, personally I've been trying to do at least a 10min workout at some point in the day. I've signed up to a Ballet and Streetdance class to keep up my dancing skills and I hope I can squeeze in the gym here and there too!

I hope that some of you will enjoy this dance/fitness series. It's easy to follow along at home with great music and moves that you will benefit from.

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