Friday, 26 January 2018

2018 is on FIRE ! Fitness/Dance Part 2!

Hey Music Fam,

Hope you all had an amazing week! I slightly feel like my head is spinning. It's almost the end of January and it feels like 2018 has been going for months. This isn't a bad thing at all as I'm chasing all of my different goals for this year so it's been busy to say the least!

I've been working on a fun house track that we're waiting to hear back from the label. Keep your fingers crossed!
As I mentioned in my blog last week, there's a Maya Wolff EP in the making. I've written to 2 more tracks for it this week that I'm excited to record over the next few weeks.

As Dance is such a huge passion of mine, I found an amazing dancer to start choreographing the next music video with which will be part of the EP release. Check out his amazing skills !

If you haven't gotten the motivation to throw some shapes yourself yet this year, I hope my PART 2 of the "Don't Let Me Down" Fitness/Dance that you can easily follow along at home will get you going!

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