Wednesday 17 July 2019

NEWS - "You Can Let Go" Vocal Trance

Happy Humpday Wolfferines,

I hope everybody's having a great week! Mine has been super exciting with my latest Vocal Trance collab with Jameson Tullar entering the Beatport release charts on release Day currently sitting on No 2! We're also climbing the overall Beatport release charts currently on No 58. 

You Can Let Go
"You Can Let Go" is a release I'm really happy with. 
The vocals have been inspired by some personal situations and with the heart to encourage anyone to only have positive people and situations in their lives. 

Anything taking away from that - let go and move on! 

You only have one life to live - be happy and free! Sometimes letting things and people be is what's needed to protect yourself, your happiness and sanity, even if that's people you used to call friends or even a family member.

The release is out now exclusively on Beatport, this is the only place you can purchase and listen to it! Get the track and get a summer high <3 
Let's hear all of you Wolfferines make some noise and see if we can claim that top spot!
